Laura Holley Blending creativity & Dreams Fantasy & Sci-Fi Stories In Ember Blooms, Ember hides under the hated king's bed, watching for his killer, unaware that they hold the secret to her own lost past as well. Coming February 2025 in the forthcoming LTUE Benefit Anthology "Dog Save the King"In "Naia's Burning Tears," an island, ravaged by a recent hurricane that destroyed all but her canoe is threatened by the fire spirit dragon of the volcano. Can Naia, the village's young Navigator, face the angry spirit and rescue her people in time? Sign up for Laura's newsletter for a free copy to find out!In "My Magical Mom," Penny's five-year-old memories—of baking real, hot, chocolate chip cookies in her toy kitchen, her art magically disappearing from walls, and magically swirling into her play dresses—have haunted her ever since her mother stopped all magic when her dad tragically died. Why won't her mom even admit magic is real? Sign up for Laura's newsletter to read the story and find out! Laura Can Help Have a project? Tell Laura all about your business, goals, and creative opportunities. She would love to help you bring them to life. Get In Touch